Hi Hakan --

You asked:
> I have latex 2e-7 installed, but I can't find  a4.sty a4wide.sty, in which 
> package are they?

I think the Latex-2e approach is not to use .sty files, but to use .cls
(class) files.  Support for a4 letter paper is built into the article.cls
file, for example, but the option a4paper.
So, to get output formatted for a4 paper, you would invoke the article style
this way:

\documentclass[titlepage, oneside, a4paper, 11pt]{article}

where the options "titlepage", "oneside", "11pt", etc., are all 
optional (!); I just put them there to illustrate that you can have more
than 1 option in the [].  I also added the statements regarding
"usepackage" as a further example of package-loading in latex-2e.

If you'd like to read more about this, you might want to get a copy
of the boot "The LaTeX Companion", by Goosens, Mittelbach, and Samarin.

Susan Kleinmann

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