I am assembling a collection of chat scripts in support of an effort by
our Debain developers to generate this information during setup.  We need
your help because the proceedure for logging in and starting ppp
frames varies from ISP to ISP.  With a reasonable database, most of the
variations can be anticipated.

If you would like to help, please send me the following (assuming you
use ppp and chat):

- Name and location of your ISP
- contents of your /etc/ppp/options file (if empty, so state)
- SANITIZED contents of your chat script
- command line that you use to fire up ppp
- If pppd is invoked from a shell script, I need that script
- Any other files/information/proceedures needed to bring up ppp on your
- If you use a secrets file, say what kind.  I don't need the file.

Please sanitize this information before you send it to me.  I suggest
replacing your real username, password, and ISP phone number with
myusername, mypassword, and 555-1212.  Above all please do not send me
any information that could cause problems for you if it fell into
the wrong hands.  To be of use, I will have to put your information in
a place where others can get to it.  I will not intentionally deliver it
into the hands of crackers, but I make no guarentees.

If your scripts work, I want them.  Even if they are not pretty,
even if they fail sometimes.  If your scripts fail sometimes, tell me so.
If you do anything that you think might be out of the ordinary, please
tell me about that.

If you don't use chat, please describe your proceedure to bring up ppp
as precisely as possible and include the contents of supporting files
(example, a Seyon script).  Remember to sanitize.

If you use slip or some variant of slip supported by Debain, I'd like your
information also.  I don't use slip so I can't as specific as my request
for ppp - chat info, but I think you have the idea.

Please send your submissions to me by private e-mail.  Thanks in
advance for your help.

Mike Taylor

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