There have been a lot of posts about procmail, so I thought I'd jump in
with a question too.

I've installed procmail, but haven't done anything with it yet.

I use Netscape for a mail reader at home and office. It only uses file
locking on the system mail spool (the Inbox), not any of the folders
that it uses and maintains.

I figure (and Netscape sortof warns) that using a mail filter like
procmail or mailagent that intercepts mail and writes it to Netscape's
folders would be asking for trouble.

So, I figure I need a program to use as an external movemail program for
Netscape (I've been using its internal one) that has the smarts of a
mail filter.

Can procmail or mailagent be used as a batch "movemail" program like
I figure that it would be safe, since it would only be executed by
Netscape when I click the GetMail button. It's not hard to remember not
to do anything else within the Netscape mail reader while it's
processing the button that I just clicked to get new mail.

Whether or not the above is possible, is there some other way to safely
combine a mail filter program and a mail reader that doesn't use locks
on it's mail folders?


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