While it is considered a little crude, it is possible to convert tar
files into debian packages...  You should look at the debian packaging
instructions for how to do it right (which will fill in the gaps in
this explanation) but then you'll find that if you do:
        mkdir x
        cd x
        tar xzvf .../package.tar.gz  (assuming it unpacks from /)
        mkdir DEBIAN
        cat > DEBIAN/control
        # follow the packaging guildelines, or just crib the contents
of the control file from the "hello" package
        cd ..
        dpkg-deb --build x
        dpkg-name x
and if you've set up the control file right, you'll end up with a
package-version.deb that you can then install.

It would be nice, if you have the time and decide to rebuild from
sources anyway, to put together a "proper" package; it doesn't take
much work, and the hello package is a good example... but the above
tricks might be enough to get you "hooked" -- worked for me :-)

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