At 01:58 PM 9/5/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Some newbies tell me they find debian-user intimidating due to the high
>level of technical discussion that sometimes goes on there. Is it time
>to split the list? About 2 years ago I proposed a separate list just for
>people trying to install the system. At the time we did not have enough
>traffic for that. We probably do now.
>I would propose:
>       debian-install
>       debian-nontechnical
>       debian-technical
>Now I just have to find our list administrator :-) .
>       Bruce

Maybe debian-user and debian-install, to keep it simple?
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Ken Gaugler  N6OSK         Hybrid Networks, Inc.  Cupertino, Calif.
"The life of a Repo Man is ALWAYS INTENSE..."

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