Christopher R. Hertel wrote:
> This is with two flavors of Slacware and with Debian.  It seems to be a
> problem that my SCSI adapter has with Linux in general.
> On Sep 22,  6:34pm, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > Subject: Re: System hangs on SCSI reset (AHA 1522).
> : > Problem:  The system hangs when the SCSI bus is reset.
> : > Config:   Adaptec 1522 SCSI controller
> : >           Two different motherboards
> : >           Three different versions of Linux
> : >
> : > More specifically, I cannot perform a soft reboot from Linux.

Could you give the actual failure message?

We had a client with a similar problem with one of our cards.  Turns out
that his sound card wasn't fully honoring the bus reset, and was
grabbing the IRQ out from under the Cyclades card.  From a power-on
start, the system worked fine, but after a "three finger salute", or
even pushing the reset button, the card didn't work.

Something like this would hang your system if the SCSI card suddenly
found itself without the IRQ it was set for...  and sound cards LOVE to
grab IRQ 11.

"It works with DOS" does not mean that there is not a hardware conflict.
The DOS drivers probably initialize the hardware differently.

Standard procedure is to pull out everything except the minimum
necessary to boot (plus the offending card, if not a required card). 
Add cards until the problem resurfaces.

         | Technical Support Engineer, Cyclades Corporation   |
         | 800/88-CYCLADES (882-9252) or (510)770-9727, x258  |
         | Maker of High Performance Multiport Serial Cards   |
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