On 25 Oct 1996, Bill Vinson wrote:

> 1)  Does anyone know if an Axel ISA 8/16 bit Combination Ethernet card is
> any good?
> It is supposedly NE2000 compliant...  It supposedly free w/ any purchase
> Datacom Mall mail-order.  

     If it's NE2000 compliant, it should work with linux. NE2000 aren't 
the fastest boards around, but they work fine, specially for a home 
setup. There were problems with them and linux, but that's history.
If you want to know it's disadvantages: it's not very fast (~200K/sec) 
and it puts some load on the main CPU. This would be a problem for a 
heavily loaded server, not to you.

> I want to get an Ethernet connection between my Mac and the Linux box.  I
> hope to get a second IP address from my dial in ISP (Earthlink) so that
> either the Mac or the Linux box can act as a Router w/software daemon?  and
> allow both machines net access over the same modem...Is this possible? 

     Very easy. Put the modem on the debian box, compile the kernel with 
"IP forwarding" enabled, add a route and voila! If you can't get the 
second IP, you can use proxying, transparent proxying or masquerading to 
allow net access to the other(s) computer (in fact, you will be more 
"net-friendly" doing so, as you don't waste IP space).

> 2)  Is there anyway to get the nice coloring of files in the ls commands'
> output the way slackware does?

     There's a package named colour-ls (I think) that does this. If it's 
not in the current debian release, it's at unstable.

See ya,

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