Rafael Kitover writes:
 > Excerpts from mail: 12-Nov-96 Is `.deb' still better than.. by Kevin K.
 > > Just curious: Are there still advantages to the Debian package
 > > management system over the RPM system?
 > If I understand this correctly, RedHat put it's RPM software under a non-GPL 
 > copyright, and source is unavailable. The .deb software is completely GPL,
 > one more reason why Debian is the official GNU FSF Linux :)

RPM is GPLed.

>From their web site (http://www.redhat.com/news/rhl4.0.html):

License Terms
Red Hat Linux is distributed under the terms of the GPL,
and is freely available from our FTP site, and dozens of mirrors. For
the first time, the Red Hat Linux User's Guide is also available
freely, under the terms of the LDP license!

I believe RPM has always been the case.

Kevin K. Lewis               | My opinions may be unreasonable
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | but such is the voice of inspiration

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