Bill Bumgarner writes:
 > 1) XF86Setup doesn't provide for resolutions beyond 1280x1024 [though it
 > does a nice job of ensuring that the server chooses the HIGHEST available
 > resolution].

Resolutions beyond 1280x1024 are not yet a common case. I suspect that
most people using higher resolutions will want to tailor them for
their monitors anyway. You ought to be able to do this using xvidtune.

If you can come up with a patch to make XF86Setup provide higher
resolutions, unidiffs are gratefully accepted...

 > 2) There is no option to automatically start the server using other than
 > an 8 bit mode.  While the configuration information is correctly created
 > for 15, 16, 24, and 32 bpp modes, one must edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers by
 > hand and add '-bpp 16' [or whatever].

I suppose I _could_ add a prompt for this in the postinst scripts. On
the other hand, editing configuration files is not difficult.

 > The default background used under XDM is disgusting-- it is pretty much
 > gurantees to cause aliasing on any monitor at higher resolutions...
 > whoever decided that that particularly multi-pixel carpet-like pattern
 > should be the X standard should be shot.

It makes a really good test pattern, though. When you're setting up
your monitor it's ideal.

A solid background for the login screen is probably desirable. As you
mention in your other message, it could be achieved with a line in
/etc/X11/config and a section in the Xsetup file. I'm quite reluctant
to edit these files without good cause, though, because whenever I do
it makes dpkg scream about conffiles to all the people who have
customised them. "If it isn't broken, don't fix it" etc.

 > We really ought to add a more pleasant default background color for user's
 > and for the xdm window.  As well, we should customize the login panel to
 > provide a more pleasant and attractive debianized experience.

One of the good things, in my opinion, about Debian is that it
provides packages that are set up sensibly with 'normal' defaults. I
don't want to start doing anything fancy just to look pretty; other
distributions have tried this, and it occasionally causes confusion
and problems. It's more a philisophical issue than a technical one,
really - people should be able to configure their systems however they
like, without having to undo all sorts of distribution-specific gunk

Steve Early

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