> > As I understand it, f77 wants gcc 2.7.2 and not gcc > As a workaround I did now the following: > > cd /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ > ln -s ../2.7.2/libf2c.a . > ln -s ../2.7.2/f771 . > > I will now have to check wether it still works in all cases. > Development team: Please consider if there shouldn't be a dependency > between g77 and gcc versions, which shall be resolved by dselect.
That would stop you installing these two together at all. A similar problem applies with GNAT Ada; it wants gcc 2.7.2, and in fact replaces the gcc executable, so things don't go nicely if you try to run gcc + gnat 3.04 (well, 3.05 is out but not in a package). I did mention this on the list a while back and to the maintainer; I'm not sure what's being done about resolving this, though. GNAT supplies a new gcc binary because Ada support is disabled in gcc 2.7.2's binary by default, and needs to be recompiled with it enabled. Ideally, the GCC package will have gcc with this enabled, and the GNAT package will not supply a gcc at all. Hopefully this will happen for the next GNAT package version, which is awaiting GNAT 3.06 (based on gcc hamish -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]