> > > 
> > > root:x:0:root,"your loginname"
> > > ...
> > I don't like that.  It seems unsafe to me.  There's gotta be
> > a better solution
> > 
> > Currently, I am putting in special users in /etc/suauth
> > but I only know the syntax for making su ask for the current
> > users passwd, and not root's.  Would like to prompt it to
> > ask for root's password.  Workaround anyone?
> > 
> > Roger Endo                            
> yep, its safer to but the usernames in suauth
> looks like (file /etc/suauth):
> root:ALL EXCEPT login1,login2:DENY
> or
> root:ALL EXCEPT login1,login2,GROUP root:DENY
> watch out! keyword GROUP let the parser know that all words behind GROUP
> are group names - only the ":" escapes.
> the examples let the users login1 and login2 and all users in group root
> (2nd examp.) to get root access by enter the roots password, all others
> will receive the message access denied.
> root:login1:NOPASS
> root:login2:OWNPASS
> root:ALL EXCEPT login3:DENY
> let the user login1 get root access without passwd
> the user login2 have to put in his own passwd and
> the user login3 have to use the root passwd all other user cant get in
> so if you want the users login1 login2 and login3 to be promted for the
> root password you use:
> root:ALL EXCEPT login1,login2,login3:DENY
> hope that helps
>                                                ciao Helmuth (irc: Pvppet)
>  ______    Blasch Helmuth,    Graz University of Technology, Austria
>  \    /           Computing and Information Services Center 
>  L\in/uX   Steyrergasse 30/Parterre (CE04), 8010 Graz, Austria
>    \/      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel.: + 43 316 873 6883 (FAX 7699)
> --
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OK to chmod 640 suauth?  What other files in the debian distribution
in /etc can be made more unreadable by the world?  Seems like a shell
user can learn a lot by snooping around in /etc (i.e hosts.deny, hosts.allow)


Roger Endo                            
President, Warp 9 Technologies LLC
SBnet, Internet for Santa Barbara

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