On Tue, 10 Dec 1996, Butch Kemper wrote:

> I have a problem booting the Debian Kernel 2.0.25 as it hangs with this on
> the screent:
> GSCD: Version 0.4a Oliver Raupach   .......
> GSCD: Trying to detect a Goldstar R420   ......
> GSCD: GoldStar Interfac Adapter does not exist or H/W error
> $id: cm206.c,v 1996/08/11 10:35:01 david Exp $
> The cursor is left following the last  "$".
> This problem occurs with the boot disks and the the system I built.
> The boot disk will comeup on another system but not this one.

 Same for me, the new 1.2 boot floppy (1996-12-8) will crash on my
computer at this point but not on some other computers. 

 It bothers me that some computers can't boot with this floppy disk. Bruce
what is more important? To provide support for people who will install
debian 1.2 with a cm206 cdrom player or to provide a boot floppy that will
have less chances of crashing? Is the base of installed cm206 important
enough to justify that others (like me) can't install Debian 1.2 at all? :)
 Maybe the default base IO probing of the cm206 (#define CM206_BASE 0x340) 
is too agressive? Could it be changed in the built kernel? Will alternate
1.2 boot floppies be provided? 


Farzad FARID
Administrateur Reseau
SGIP - Publicis

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