On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Richard G. Roberto wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Dec 1996, Heiko R. Selber wrote:
>                      ^^
> Its generally a good idea _not_ to enable modversions.  There
> should be more info on it in the readme stuff with the kernel
> source.  That's why this is turned off by default in the config.
> Did you recompile _all_ of your modules when you compiled this
> kernel?  You need to do that if you have this option enabled (I
> think, anyway).

I thought the opposite is true: enable MODVERSIONS if I want to use
modules from different versions. That's what make config tells me, as I
understand it. BTW: I had recompiled all modules. 

> Of course, Dale may be right in that you
> only need to run a depmod -a.

Oops! Yes, thanks, that helped it. I must admit that I didn't read the
documentation. I wonder why I had no dependancy problems with older 2.0.x
kernels with the same config. 

One could put /sbin/depmod -a into a startup script as suggested by

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