Thank you for your response.

On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Scott Barker wrote:

> Nicely summarized list, Dale. But, I've a few notes to add:
> Dale Scheetz said:
> > 1. Already reported as a bug:  Can't find xlib6 so file.  
> >     Add /usr/X11R6/lib to and run ldconfig.
> I did not have this problem. My /etc/ still contains /usr/X11R6/lib
> after my upgrade.

Correct. This only happens with a new install.
> > 4. New sendmail fails to use old .cf file  
> >     One report indicates re-installation fixes the problem.
> I could not get sendmail to use my old .cf file, nor a new one I generated.
> Re-installing sendmail did not help. It always complains about the line:
> Kdequote dequote
> saying "file does not exist". My only solution was to down-grade to 8.7.6-1
I will forward you comments tothe sendmail maintainer.

> > 5. Cron dies. (actually never starts)
> >     Run "update-rc.d cron defaults"
> cron died for me, but the symlinks remained. All I had to do was
> /etc/init.d/cron start
> I did not have to use 'update-rc.d'
If you don't update rc.d you will probably have to manually start cron
every time you reboot. Does it still have a cron entry?

> > 11. xbase can't remove xdm and xfs
> >     Remove by hand using dpkg --purge.
> Again, I did not experience this problem during the upgrade.

> > 17. Adduser depends on perl-suid, not in base.
> >     Install by hand using --force-depends
> On a philosophical note, I don't believe that a required base package should
> depend on a program which is an inherent security risk (perl-suid).
Almost everyone here agrees. This is currently being fixed.
> As a final note, 'elm' is still broken when reading mail from a nfs-mounted
> spool dir. It fails to restore the correct permissions (should be 660, ends up
> being 600). This makes it impossible for the remote sendmail to deliver the
> mail (not sure exactly why -- the sendmail on the remote in this case is AIX's
> sendmail). I had to restore my hacked version of elm (which is "fixed" for my
> situation only).

As the elm maintainer I would be pleased to see a diff of your "hacked"
version. I have no way to test an nfs mount, so I will rely heavily on
your feedback.

Again, Thanks for the input.



------------                                          --------------

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
      Flexible Software              Fax:     NONE 
      Black Creek Critters           e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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