ok.. i am trying to set up sendmail.. now it partialy works..  the local
sendmail works when i am not online but when i ma online the outgoing
sendmail works but the incoming doesn't... now what is wierd is it bounces
but i still kind of get the mail on the recieving end.. and i do kill the
sendmail process and reload it when i get online.. i bounces and get 12 
messages (this is on the sending side) and the error message i get is 

553 site.name.address. config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)

then i get a another message.. only one of them this time

554 Too many hops 26 (25 max): from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via
site.name.address, to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

now on the recieving site.. i get 12 of the 553 error messages..

any idea why this is happening??

now with my X.. i can't seem to get my PS2 mouse to work.. which is a real
pain..  I configured the setup all right with the right device and
everything but it still doesn't work.. doesn't seen to be able to
find that device right now i am using a serial port and it's a pain in the
butt having 2 mouses.. any idea how i can fix it so the ps2 mouse works..
i used to have it working with the ps2 mouse but alas my linux crashed and
i by mistake formatted the partitation so i lost the setup..



Matthew Stone, 23 Roosevelt Drive, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4C6V1
               Pager (416)339-9052

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