On Fri, 20 Dec 1996, Matthew Stone wrote:

> ok.. i am trying to set up sendmail.. now it partialy works..  the local
> sendmail works when i am not online but when i ma online the outgoing
> sendmail works but the incoming doesn't... now what is wierd is it bounces
> but i still kind of get the mail on the recieving end.. and i do kill the
> sendmail process and reload it when i get online.. i bounces and get 12 
> messages (this is on the sending side) and the error message i get is 
> 553 site.name.address. config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)
> then i get a another message.. only one of them this time
> 554 Too many hops 26 (25 max): from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via
> site.name.address, to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> now on the recieving site.. i get 12 of the 553 error messages..
> any idea why this is happening??

Looks like your sendmail is setup wrong.  It may also be something with
how you are naming your machine, too.  What exactly its doing is sending
mail to itself to deliver, and it keeps sending mail back to itself over
and over....  

                              Daniel Stringfield  
       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.jax-inter.net/users/servo
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