On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, Jonas Bofjall wrote:

> I tried searching around for teTeX whis morning, and I found a lot of
> FTP-sites carrying the files, I also found the maintainer's address and
> the mailing-list. BUT do you know if there is a teTeX web-page somewhere,
> where some general information, maybe some installation help and useful
> links exists? Anyone?
AFAIK there is still no proper web site for teTeX but you may get some
reading either at "http://www.informatik.uni-hannover.de/docs/teTeX/"; or
by downloading the README, INSTALL, etc files at any CTAN FTP site. 
As you are in Sweden you might as well check out the german CTAN at the
URL "ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/";. Look around
there and download the documentation. It contains virtually everything you
may want to know about teTeX for a successful installation as long as you
are able to follow instructions in written form. ;-) 

                                               Regards, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at  http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bender/

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