On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, Jonas Bofjall wrote:

> Then I guess I should be installing teTeX as well. I need to do some
> TeX'ing but the standard Debian TeX package always seems to come up with
> a new problem once I fixed one.  
Then you'll be really happy with teTeX! Today i had a notice by Thomas
Esser from the teTeX mailing list in my email where he wrote that he was
about to release the next teTeX update really soon. He wrote sunday or
monday but i'm not sure if he meant this weekend or the next. Anyway he
promised that this release will be a 100% uptodate as well. :-) Maybe you
should really wait for the brandnew teTeX before you bother about
downloading and installation, although upgrading is very well solutioned
too. You can find out the nearest CTAN with "finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]".

> The standard TeX package in Debian, is it a completely new TeX
> distribution or is it based on some other? 
Looks rather like a basic LaTeX/TeX system tailored especially for Debian
than a distribution of some sort. But OTOH i never tried it out giving it
not even a chance to supply it's services on my machine so i can't really 
judge about it's quality.

I installed teTeX once on a HP-UX machine at work and was surprised how
easy and straightforward it went and how complete the provided TeX system
actually is. I immediately fell in love with it! ;-) It comes along with
very well and extensive documentation.  The great thing to my mind is that
i never needed to install anything to get a variety of LaTeX files TeXed
apart from more obscure stuff like MusiXTeX, the TIPA phonetic fonts and
J"org Knappens fcfonts (african fonts). It is a stated goal of Thomas
Esser to provide everything described in the "LaTeX Book" and the "LaTeX

Our university here in Mainz has BTW adopted teTeX as the regular LaTeX
installation on the campus' Unix cluster and i consider it wonderful to
have the same working environment anywhere, be it at home, at work or at
the university. :-)

> Do you know what NTeX is? I was told it was a good TeX distribution, but
> maybe I should try teTeX instead.
NTeX is a very large TeX distribution which was usually provided with
Slackware and which is not as well designed and maintained as teTeX. If i
were you i wouldn't bother with NTeX especially since it has earned itself
the fame of being hard to administrate, a thing teTeX definitely has eased
up a lot. 
                                            Regards, P. *8^)
   Paul Seelig                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   Our AMA Homepage  in  the WWW at  http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bender/

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