Alright, I've read the FAQ. I'm familar with Linux. I think I want to use 
the Debian distribution, to replace my old Slackware distribution ( I 
mean OLD ) Because it seems like one of the most flexible, easy to 
upgrade and administer systems out there in the Linux community. I'd like 
to use the ftp option as much as possible, but I don't have a high speed 
connection, I do have a SLIP/PPP connection I can use for any amount of 
time though. I have never installed Debian though, and was wondering if 
the base diskset contains a program to set up my SLIP dial-up, like dip, 
or I have to get another package prior to finishing my install with ftp. 
I'm looking forward to hearing from anyone interested in helping me, if 
convenient I'd also like information on the closest mirror site to St 
Paul, MN which is where I am, to make my install as fast as possible 
                                Troy Lubbers,

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