I've got the following problem: I wrote the debian installation files 
(stable etc.) to a CDR. I wrote them to a second session (my cdr is a HP 
4020i, I wrote the cd under W95). The second session (and the first) is 
readable under dos/W95 but not under linux. 

My cdrom on the linux machine works nicely besides that. I'ts a 12speed 
plextor SCSI and I'm using the sg generic cdrom driver. (Had to do a 
MAKEDEV to get the scd0 device in /dev though)

any ideas why the second session is not accessible?

Geert "Esger" Raes                                    tel.: (+32) 820 26 66
Centrum Medische Genetica                             fax.: (+32) 820 25 66
Universiteit Antwerpen UIA                       E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universiteitsplein 1                 WWW: http://bioc-www.uia.ac.be/u/esger
2610 Wilrijk
E-music on the Net :               http://bioc-www.uia.ac.be/u/esger/emusic
People talking about the environment ought to read "The Sheep Look Up" by
John Brunner, then they'll know what pollution is.

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