* ESGER * wrote:
> I've got the following problem: I wrote the debian installation files 
> (stable etc.) to a CDR. I wrote them to a second session (my cdr is a HP 
> 4020i, I wrote the cd under W95). The second session (and the first) is 
> readable under dos/W95 but not under linux. 
> My cdrom on the linux machine works nicely besides that. I'ts a 12speed 
> plextor SCSI and I'm using the sg generic cdrom driver. (Had to do a 
> MAKEDEV to get the scd0 device in /dev though)
> any ideas why the second session is not accessible?
> ciao,

I may be wrong, but I think 2.0 *doesn't* support multisession CD's
on SCSI CDROM drive. SCSI-II spec don't include any support for multi-session
CD's. You have to take a 2.1 kernel (I recommend 2.1.17, not too much unstable 

cd /usr/src/linux, make menuconfig, enable vendor specific cdrom support,
make-kpkg -revision custom.1 kernel-image, dpkg -i ../kernel-image...

Philippe Strauss, CH-1092 Belmont

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