Ami Ganguli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Pete Templin wrote:
> > Hmmm....seems to me that Windows NT is a three floppy system.  Although
> > three is certainly less than six, three is significantly more than one.

> I think a single floppy install should be possible, but it would require
> a different approach than is currently used.  I'd like to see an install
> package that bootstraps from DOS: 1. insert a DOS boot disk that has some 
> common CD-ROM drivers, 2. run an install program directly from the CD.

All you need to do is modify the install script to mount the CD and
look there for the base.tgz file.

> Actually, if you've already got DOS running on your pc, it should be
> possible to put in the CD and run a "setup.exe" without ever making a 
> boot floppy.

Once we get the single boot disk (i.e. one disk that can detect CD's
and install Linux) it should be fairly trivial to do it with no disks
in the case that dos is available.

> I know it's against most of our philosophies to support the use of DOS in
> any capacity, but when Caldera releases OpenDOS this could provide a really
> nice, fast way to install the system and it would still be free.  As it 
> stands now, we still need DOS to use "rawrite.exe" anyway.

It's kinda silly to use OpenDOS in this fashion - it does make sense
to do a no-disk system for people who have DOS already on their
machines.  (You need a disk in any case - it might as well be a linux
disk, because you need linux up and detecting the CDROM before it can
install anything.)

All we really need is some slight modifications to the install script
- I was working on it, but this laptop arrived in the mail...  Some
other developers are looking into it too.


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