On Sun, 19 Jan 1997, Jonas Bofjall wrote:

> I have two small questions today ;) :
> a) where can I find information about what the
>    different debian run-levels are used for?
>    0 is halt, 6 is reboot, 1 is singleuser, but
>    what about the rest? Are there an multiuser with
>    X and one without X?

Look at the man page for init(8) and /etc/inittab for some extra details.

> b) when I do an 'lsmod' it says that appletalk, ipx
>    and serial modules are installed. They are used
>    by "0 (autoclean)" or "1 (autoclean)".
>    What does autoclean mean? I think I should get rid
>    of appletalk and ipx as I don't use them and they're
>    just wasting my memory...

kerneld is a daemon which will load and unload modules on demand.  However
it won't do this unless you add "auto" (without quotes) as the first line
in /etc/modules.  You should also comment out with a # any other lines in
that file which represent modules which you don't want to be loaded on

-- Jaldhar

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