In your email to me, Greg Vence, you wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong(like that wouldn't happen here).  But the $2

Nah... not *here*.... :)

> charge gives us control over the use of the term "Official Debian." 
> This control is needed.  Witness the historical reason for a lack of 1.0
> version.

Correct! The word 'Official' has to have some control behind it, and
we have to generate some sort of income for the .org . It's *non-profit*
folks, not *non-income*. It just means we are not in business to make
money/profit.. just to cover our costs. Did anyone catch the Linux
segment on MEU this week? RedHat, Caldera, and WGS were on the show.
WHY NOT DEBIAN?? Because.... Bruce/someone couldn't pay *out of their
own pocket* to appear there...

> This control then can give the assuance needed to the management types. 
> Management doesn't want to dive into the "Bleeding Edge" of Linux and
> this would ensure a 'tested' version with the Debian organization's
> blessing.  Everything else appears as a work in progress.  As long as
> its also available free on the net.  The $2 plus fluff is only the suit.
> The full brains & brawn of Debian are still available to the public
> without distribution charges.
> I'm not currently on a consulting assignment where this is necessary but
> some sites have gone with a commercial distribution and then wondered if
> they should have used Linux at all.  Obviously, they were even more
> skeptical about 'giving Debian a try.'

Despite my best efforts, the BNL Linux community is slowly migrating
to RH for just this reason. "It's a commercial product" is the reason
I get... if they could buy it from CompUSA or Egghead, it would
*appear* to *them* to be legitimate! Managements *perception* is the
key here...


           "You cannot paint the 'Mona Lisa' by assigning one dab 
                     each to a thousand painters."
              -- William F. Buckley, Jr.
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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