The previous writer (whose message wasn't included) doesn't restrict
people's choices, he just suggested a 'core' distribution which gives us
a basic choice while alternative choices are always available.
I support his proposal, esp good for newbies.  Take a newbie's point of
view: the first time when one installs apps. for mail and one is given
sendmail, mail, Mail, xmail, smail, pine, elm, xhm, et al, and every
package says IT'S used for mail, what would he do?  Doesn't he feel
LOST?  Do you think he knows they are CHOICES?  I think he would just

Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote:
> I disagree.  From what I've read, the Debian charter doesn't stop
> commercial vendors or indeed anyone from making their own distribution
> based on Debian containing as few or as many packages as they want.  
> So the Debian team doesn't really need to get involved in that.  Yes
> the distribution is huge but until it overflows the 650 MB capacity of

        I hope we aren't going to repeat a similar error which Bill Gates
committed before.  For those who don't know what I am talking about,
here's the famous quote from Mr. Gates: "640 Kb should be enough for
everyone."  Unfortunately, less than 10 years (or even shorter) his own
sentence put him into troublesome: memory addressing limits.  And thus
his company made all those windows, emm386, himem; and other companys'
ndos and 4dos, etc.  That's ONE of the reasons why people leave DOS

        Even though there might be blue laser double-sided optical disks in the
near future which gives us 10 Gb or more, it doesn't mean we don't need
to organise things properly, or else when thing gets too big to manage,
it will be too late!!!  Fundamental organisation is essential, don't you

> a CD-ROM there is no need to needlessly restrict peoples choices.


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