On Feb 26, Jens B. Jorgensen wrote
> Karl Ferguson wrote:
> > At 07:03 PM 25/02/97 PST, Bruce Perens wrote:
> > >the "Linux" group. It looks as if we do have a chance. It would be real
> > >embarassing to beat them. So please, if you are participating, change your
> > >reporting address to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" NOW. 
> > Why is it such a bad thing to beat the Linux group?  The whole idea is to
> > increase the awareness of Debian Linux - when people see we're in the
> > number 2 slot or even number 1, we'll have good publicity.
> Yeah. If the folks at gzero.net will add the numbers from
> to [EMAIL PROTECTED] then why would we want to change?! I think that is
> all the more reason *not* to change because we can help the greater
> cause
> while at the same time getting airplay for Debian? 

I think it may be an excellent idea to _ask_ the other non-debian
members of the linux community and see what they think.  We can 
talk all we want, and it won't change what they think we're doing.  
If the rest of the linux world doesn't mind if we run under 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (especially if that email address is just added
to the total for [EMAIL PROTECTED]), then all is well and good.  If they
think we're impertenent snobs, perhaps we should change.

As a side note:
Harvey Mudd should be producing somewhere between 3 and 4 M kps by 
tomarrow.  Right now, most of us are running under [EMAIL PROTECTED],
but we can change that if Bruce still disagrees with our possition.
                                - John Larkin   
                                - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                - http://aij.st.hmc.edu/~jlarkin

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