> > I editted /etc/ppp.chatscript to properly log into the dial-in server.
> > Since /etc/ppp.options_out made reference to /dev/modem, I went to /dev and
> > make a symlink from "modem" to "ttyS0". (I know I could have edited the 
> Bad idea.  Replace the entry in the options file with ttyS0, do NOT make a
> modem symlink.  This could, in fact, be responsible for all the rest of
> your problems.

No. The system is doing nothing else with serial ports. I am very aware of
the device locking issues. The reason I left the "/dev/modem" entry was 
because I wanted the stock Debian files to be as pristine as possible... to
illustrate that they shouldn't be shipped that way.

> > of the connection, apparently).  So, I tried pinging <remoteIP> and not a 
> > single packet came back (although I could see them getting sent out on the 
> > modem by watching the lights).  Pinging <localIP> went fine, but didn't use 
> > the modem. Pinging anywhere on the server's network other than <localIP>. 
> This is perhaps indicitive of a problem with your ISP.  It is strange that
> it goes out but does not return.

Gee, that's *&[EMAIL PROTECTED]& hillarious, since *I'm* the ISP and I 
configured the 
dial-up server exactly the way specified in the PPP HOWTO.

> If you want a better solution, why not use diald?  It will automatically
> bring up the modem when there is a connection attempt, will handle
> disconnects due to idle, etc.

This is silly. This is like asking me to put my coffee-maker on an auto-
matic timer when the damn thing doesn't even make coffee correctly in the 
first place. All diald would do is give me a non-functioning ppp link...
by hey, at least it would be "on-demand", eh?

To your credit, from what I've been reading, only you and Jens Jorgensen seem
to know PPP from a hole in the ground. You two are the only ones who seemed
to have even a clue as to where the problem might lie. Strangely, you two
are also the only ones who suggested diald.... which is clearly an 
inappropriate step until I actually can get a packet back from the remote

- Joe

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