Robert D. Hilliard wrote:
>      I am about to buy a new machine.  Gateway 2000 is attractive, but
> it uses a 2mb Matrox card (model not specified, and the salesman
> doesn't know) standard, and offers STB ViRGE /VX 4 and 8 mb cards as
> options.  The latest Hardware-HOWTO I have found (v6969, 14 November
> 1995) doesn't list these cards as being supported in XFree86.
>      Does anyone have any experience running these cards under X?

I'm using an STB Powergraph 3D, which uses the S3 ViRGE. As many others
have stated, you must have XFree 3.2. For some reason my X server
refuses to run 1024x768 with 16-bit color (I have 2MB ram). Other than
that it works great! (I know the card/monitor can handle this res/depth
because I use it in Win95.)

Jens B. Jorgensen

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