NOTE: Please respond directly to me! (or both to the list and me, since I
don't have time to subscribe to this list anymore)

I seem to be having a bit of trouble with getting X running on my server.
I'm running a Realtek 256k Video Card (Cheezy card, I know.  but I don't
USUALLY use this box with a monitor anyway) and have a DigiVIEW 14 inch
monitor.  It ran fine on the other machine I had X running on, and only
needed a few tweaks to XF86Config to get it working *well* in higher
resolutions.  But,,, it was on a 1Mb acellerated video card.

All I need for this machine to do is have basic X running, so I can run a
program or two under it to test,  since I am trying to find a program that
will do what I (And the guy I'm doing to consulting for) needs it to do.  

X comes up when you run the utility that actually runs under X to
configure it, but doesn't like the configuration file it makes.  I tried
making one by the old text based program but that barfs too.  My last
attemp totally screws up the video mode, and I can't do anything to get it
to correct it, and have to CTRL-ALT-DEL and reboot. :(  

Any suggestions?  Or maybe someone with a really low end generic video
system can lend me there configuration file.  Any help is appreciated


Daniel Stringfield, running Debian GNU/Linux * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit me and the Jax-LUG on the web at

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