
My prized student system administrator, Glenn Bily (now graduated, and
making more money than I am)  set up a network of Northgate 20 Mhz 386s,
with 4 MB RAM, no L2 cache, 40 to 80 MB disk TOTAL running Linux, that
are little more than X terminals, to a server at the end of the lab. BTW
they run 1 MB SVGA cards without accelleration, and are bearable running

I'm going to miss him.  Glenn, and what he does with Linux is
astonishing. What can be done with Linux is astonishing.

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On Sat, 1 Mar 1997, John T. Larkin wrote:

> > > well i got 1.2.2 installed and i was wondering about x 
> > > windows, could anyone tell me how much disk space i will 
> > > need to run this. i have an old 386 with 4m ran and 20mb 
> > > of swap space.
> > am quite impressed with its abilities.  I don't think I'd try xwin with
> > less than say 300, 400 is better and of course, (if your budget 
> > allows)700 or more would probably do a single user machine for some time.
> I disagree.  At home I've an old 386-40 which ran X, netscape, PPP, xv
> and almost nothing else in 40 megs of drive space.  It does, however,
> have 8 megs of ram and an S3 accelerated card, which makes X almost 
> bearable.  While Linux will run X with only 4 megs of ram, you probably
> won't be able to do much except for wait for it to swap.  I'd really
> recomend at least 8 megs of ram.
> -- 
>                               - John Larkin   
>                               - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                               - http://aij.st.hmc.edu/~jlarkin

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