On Fri, 21 Mar 1997, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Jason Costomiris wrote:
> > Can we get this list to set a Reply-to: header, like every other piece of
> > list software I've ever used?  It's kind of a PITA to do a reply that goes
> > only to the list with the current configuration.
> Please read:
> http://garcon.unicom.com/FAQ/reply-to-harmful.html

Ok, I've read it.  It's a bunch of bunk.  I use pine for mail.  If there's
a reply-to: header set, I get asked if I should use the reply-to: header
instead of that of the author.  I also get asked if I would like to reply
to all.

That pages drones on endlessly about "reasonable mailers".  Pine is quite
reasonable, and apparently handles Reply-to: better than most mailers.  I
also noticed your message id:


What do you know?  You're using pine too.  You should also be able to use
this feature.  If the list won't start doing it, I think I'll just start
using some formail action to do it myself.

Jason Costomiris                 | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not    | and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |                      --Unknown


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