On Fri, 21 Mar 1997, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:

> Yes, I also use Pine, and I usually "reply to all recipients" (with such a
> high volume its very easy to miss a message), sometimes only to the
> original poster, and very few times only to the list.

I guess we'll just agree to disagree about Reply-to:.

However, I wouldn't really call debian-user a "high volume" list.  Ever
seen what you get on inet-access in a day??

Jason Costomiris                 | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 | "There is a fine line between idiocy
My employers like me, but not    | and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
enough to let me speak for them. |                      --Unknown


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