R. Chris Ross wrote:
>      At other places amd at the end there are ppp.log entries that
> say the line is not 8 bit clear and that bit 7 is 0.  What does this
> mean?  At some point my ISP's system was taken out of service for
> maintainance but it may have been at that point that I started
> recieving this second error.
>      Any help would be greatly appriciated.
>      Chris

Hi Chris:

I may be able to help you. I've seen that "8 bit clear" problem
before when one does not specify their service type in
/etc/ppp.chatscript. To determine what your ISP will transmit 
and expect, dialup and login you ISP manually. Following is
an example of my ppp.chatscript.

""           ATDT214-6222
name         vh119001
word         \qabcdefg\q
vice         ppp           <--- notice this line.****

**** my service provider requests a service type, I must answer
     with a ppp to start negotiation. Please note that the strings
     which may be received from you ISP may vary.

This may be the case with you ISP as well. If I leave the last line
out, I will get the "8 bit clear" error in my log file.


        Peter Iannarelli

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