R. Chris Ross wrote:
>      I have a Debisn 1.2 system which I had been using on the net at
> one time.  For various reasons I had to stop using it and now I am
> trying to get it going again however there is a problem with PPP.  In
> the ppp.log file the dymamic ip addresses are acknolaged and a lock
> established then there is a line that says that it is attempting to
> add an ethernet address to the arp table.  What ethernet address? his
> or mine?  If mine I don't have one and if his what should it care
> since it is running via modem?  After this line the link is dropped.

This means that somewhere (most likely in the /etc/ppp/options file)
pppd is getting the "proxyarp" option. Naturally proxyarp is not 
useful (and may be causing ppp to fail) if you don't have a network

>      At other places amd at the end there are ppp.log entries that
> say the line is not 8 bit clear and that bit 7 is 0.  What does this
> mean?  At some point my ISP's system was taken out of service for
> maintainance but it may have been at that point that I started
> recieving this second error.

This often happens when you don't get past the "chat" with the other
modem to log in. When you try to connect to a host which prints out
a user-readable "login: " and banner screen, naturally all the data
which is printed out will have bit 7 = 0 since there aren't any 
standard printable characters with an ascii code above 127.

>      Any help would be greatly appriciated.
>      Chris

I don't know if the above will completely solve your problem. It
generally helps those of us trying to help when you include the
*actual* error/log messages which occur. Remember, when asking 
a question of the list keep in mind detail, clarity, and brevity.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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