I upgraded to fvwm2 today and ran into a few problems.  Some of these may be
worthy of bug reports, but I thought I'd mention them here first.

 - The postinst of fvwm2 fails if you ask it to convert fvwm1 rc files to the
   new format and gawk is not present.  fvwm2 should either depend on gawk or
   the postinst should just ignore this error.  The source of the error was
   found by trying to run "fvwmrc_convert" by hand.

 - The .fvwm2/init.hook would not be executed unless I added the line

        AddToFunc InitFunction

   as the end of the .fvwm2/post.hook file.  Without this line, it was as
   though the init.hook file didn't even exist.

 - When using desktops, a keybinding of

        Key F1          A       M       Desk 0 1
        Key F2          A       M       Desk 0 2
        Key F3          A       M       Desk 0 3
        Key F4          A       M       Desk 0 4
        Key F5          A       M       Desk 0 5
        Key F6          A       M       Desk 0 6
        Key F7          A       M       Desk 0 7
        Key F8          A       M       Desk 0 8

   would not work when the mouse was on the root window.  I tried other
   settings other than "A" and could get none to flip screens unless the mouse
   was on top of a window.

   I have since switched back to the larger desktop (instead af multiple
   desktops) and use the above keybindings with with the "GotoPage" function
   and everything works fine.

 - The FvwmPager does not have the correct aspect ration.  Each of the virtual
   screens is a long and narrow rectangle instead of a square.  The horizontal
   scale seems to be about 3/4 of what it was under fvwm1.  I have no
   reference to compare the vertical scale.

                                 ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
     measure with micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with axe, hope like hell

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