> I notice that many of the packages tell you that you can run a config
> program (gpmconfig, apacheconfig, smailconfig) at a later time to change
> things. Shouldn't these be added to menus as part of the install? That way
> root could run pdmenu and easily get to a submenu of config tools. Where
> user config is allowed, it would be placed on their menus, too.

You can run update-menus any time you want.

But: Update-menus is more like /usr/sbin/install-info than
gpmconfig: update-menus doesn't ask the user questions. In that
respect, it isn't very usefull to run update-menus every so often
(it just takes time). 

However, users or systemadmins who read update-menus(1) and menufiles(5)
(the manual pages), learn that they can change the menufiles
in ~/menu/ (user) or /etc/menu (systemadmin), and then running update-menus
is usefull. (much like adding a file to /usr/local/info, and then
running install-info to add that to the info directory).

> For now, I am trying to build a list of such config commands as I
> encounter them.

That will be a very usefull document. However, (see above) I'm
not sure update-menus is suitable for that list, but that's for
you to decide (and if the answer is yes, please add install-info


joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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