> Joey Hess wrote:
> > 
> > > > I notice that many of the packages tell you that you can run a config
> > > > program (gpmconfig, apacheconfig, smailconfig) at a later time 
> <snip>
> > 
> > That's a good idea (nice to see you're using my pdmenu program, btw :-)
> > 
> > I'm cc'ing this to Joost, since he handles the menu package. Joost, I think
> > this submenu for configuration scripts should be called Apps/System/Admin
> I'd prefer something that starts with /etc (or perhaps links from /etc/?
> to Apps/...).  As a long time sysadm that's where I hope to find system
> administration stuff.

We all like to see the _files_ appear in /etc. But Joey is talking
about the location in the menu's (pdmenus, fvwm*, afterstep, whatever).

And then, I'll agree with Joey that Apps/System/Admin is a very good place.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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