> On Apr 13, A. M. Varon wrote
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I would like to know the date of the next release of debian. I'm a bit
> > confused, some say debian 1.3 ... others say that it's debian 2.0?
> At the moment official documents date it on April 28.  We'll see if
> this is reasonable.

And April 28 will be the release date of 1.3.

The  release after 1.3 will be 2.0, and will have glibc in it.

For 1.3 is at the moment being tested by a special testing team,
and is thus, for that team only, already released. 

There is already talk about what should be in the release after
1.3, and people discussing this may say "the next release should
have glibc in it", forgetting that, officially, 1.3 hasn't been 
released yet.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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