I'm new to Debian, so please tell me if newbie opinions are not welcome. 

     I think that after spending possibly half an hour or an hour selecting
packages it would be very nice to have the chance to _save_ the desired state
(installed/not installed/...?) of each package to a file, which we could put
to floppy and _read_ in case later we decide to restart from scratch. 
     There should be put enough info (package name and version and ...?) for
the install procedure to be able to warn in case the file is used with a
different suite of packages, e.g. a wider suite with new entries for which we
didn't make any decision (but what if just packages of NEW version with
different dependencies have come? to simplify we could decide this is misuse
and link the file to the suite of packages for which it was saved [the Debian
release number?]). 

     Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     You can use <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for messages not coming from
any kind of robot, such as mailing lists. From that address some
autoresponse messages may return when I'm not at home.

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Douglas L Stewart wrote:

> On Sun, 13 Apr 1997, P.A.M. van Dam wrote:
> > It would be really nice to have some highlever package order, like
> > some commercial UNIX vendors have. For example one might have the choice
> > to install everything as it suits himself or choose some highlevel packages
> > like a KDE environment using Dutch locales or a OpenLook environent or just
> > good old non-graphic install. It makes it much easier for newbies. We need
> > some hierarchy in the package structures.
> I very much agree with this.  Redhat has something like this.  While I
> don't agree with their package choices for the various setups, the concept
> is sound.
> You would think this would be configured as the interface to dselect is
> redesigned.  (which I'm very glad is happening!)
> -douglas

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