On Sat, 19 Apr 1997, Harmon Sequoya Nine wrote:

> Don't know if this relates to the question, but...
> I was looking at how to recompile the kernel to get it to recognize 
memory above 64M
> and it said you should have at least 512K of cache to do this...
> -- Harmon


I would be surprised if linux had such limitations.
I've read that Intel's 430HX (the chip for Pentium motherboards) can't cache 
memory above 64M (in april's  c't ).
But linux would still see the memory. It would only be slow.

I think it's normal that the OS uses all the memory after a few hours.
As long as there is free memory, it'll cache all disks accesses. An with 
an http server...
We have a server here with 64M, and it uses a lot of cache :

hermes, a P 100 under linux :
bash> free
            total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         63460      62680        780      15672      27964       9796
-/+ buffers:            24920      38540
Swap:        20124         56      20068       

Now, and never understood the ouputs of free, so I can be completely wrong.

Note that I only have 16M on a 486, so I don't know much about these 
problems... I find it interesting, that's all.

BTW, why all this memory ? Is it always for network services, or could it 
be useful for desktop computers too ? 


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