Chock one up to hardware inexperience.  I had just installed a 16M upgrade
on my brother's 486 -- a single 16M SIMM in one memory slot.  The computer
saw it, but I had heard that SIMMS must be installed in pairs, so I was
perplexed.  The 486 is a 32-bit processor after all.  I found out later
that it is because the BUS is 16-bit that you can install SIMMS one
at a time.

Later, with 16M in my Pentium machine, I was running a lot of X applications
and was using a lot of my swap space, so I decided on a 32M upgrade, mainly
because RAM was getting dirt cheap.  Remembering the SIMM installation on
my brother's machine, I ordered a single 32M SIMM.  Doh!  The machine didn't
see it.  I either had to return the 32M for two 16M and pay a rather large
restocking fee plus two-way postage, or buy another 32M SIMM -- and RAM
had gotten even cheaper.  I opted for the second choice (I'm single and
have no kids, so I guess I can live on the wild side!).

Oh well, live and learn. :-)

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