On Apr 24, Rick Jones wrote
> Anyway.  I've never even thought of running Linux across partitions so if
> anyone has a good layout for root - usr partitions I would be
> appreciative.  

 I use the following layout on 5 Debian boxes.  All of my machines have
 either 16 or 32 megs of memory.  One of them has X11R6 on it with a few
 X apps; and even that box has over 60MB free on /usr.

  /         32MB
  swap      32MB
  /usr     256MB
  /var      64MB
  /tmp      64MB
  /home     the read of the disk

The root partition could be reduced to 24MB with no real danger of
filling up; but I'd rather spend the 8MB of disk and not have to worry
about it.  The partition needing the most thought is /var.  You have to
decide how much mail will pass through the box; and if you are going to
allow large, multi-megabyte messages.  Given this, you might consider
increasing /var to 96 or 128 megs.

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