-- Jaldhar

On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, Lawrence Chim wrote:

> I am using Alladin Ghostscript (from non-free) because I have a bjc600
> printer and only non-free version support it(?).

Aha!  So of the three people (including myself) who are having or have had
this problem the common thread seems to be:

!.  All using lprng
2.  All using apsfilter
3.  All using Alladin Ghostscript

So logic would dictate the bug is somewhere in the interaction of these
three.  While still very meager, at least this is solid information and
hopefully some clever person can discover (and fix!) the problem.  I'll
file a bug report straight away.

In the mean time, I think you'll find magicfilter solves your printing
problem.  I have a bubblejet too (210c) and things are great now.

-- Jaldhar 

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