> > I am using Alladin Ghostscript (from non-free) because I have a bjc600
> > printer and only non-free version support it(?).
> > 
> Aha!  So of the three people (including myself) who are having or have had
> this problem the common thread seems to be:
> !.  All using lprng
> 2.  All using apsfilter
> 3.  All using Alladin Ghostscript
> So logic would dictate the bug is somewhere in the interaction of these
> three.  While still very meager, at least this is solid information and
> hopefully some clever person can discover (and fix!) the problem.  I'll
> file a bug report straight away.
> In the mean time, I think you'll find magicfilter solves your printing
> problem.  I have a bubblejet too (210c) and things are great now.

To whom you will file the bug report? :)


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