Rick Jones wrote:

> 1.  Is there an easy way to reset the permissions of my directories to
> what they should be?  Such as a program that I can exicute that will set
> them or go through and prompt me for the changes.

I'd suggest using the dpkgcert package by Klee Dienes - it scans
all of the files installed by packages and informs you of what files
have changed, and what files have different permissions/groups/owners.

I found it very useful and informative here.

I believe it is currently in experimental.  You will also need a
database of "package certificates" which contain the checksums.  Send
e-mail to Klee Dienes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to find out where to get these.

An alternative is do a "dpkg -c" on the original *.deb files to 
figure out the permissions.  Note that just reinstalling the
packages won't work, since dpkg -i doesn't replace old file
permissions with the new ones.


 - Jim

p.s.   I'm going to be out-of-range of the lists and my e-mail for
       a week -- I have to go to a clients site (a pulp mill in
       Nanaimo) -- ie. no 'net access -- arrgh

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