> But is it possible to exclude traffic based on source and/or destination
> IP separately?  What we'd like to do is exclude any traffic where BOTH
> source and destination are local, and record all other traffic (e.g. for
> international traffic billing, where if either source or dest are
> non-local we want it counted, but not otherwise).  My reading of the docs
> gave me the impression that one could exclude traffic involving certain
> nets but it wasn't fussy about what else the traffic involved...see what
> I'm getting at?

NACCTD won't do that for you as far as I know....

It's quite a hack, but why don't you just run a cron job to process the
file and "strip out" the information you don't want?  i.e. set up a list of
addresses and run matches against the source address.  If true, then run
match against dest address.  If true, then discard line, move to next....

Then, run your report script against the "massaged" data that only contains
contact with outside world....

Of course, what I've done to get around this is to run IPX as my LAN
protocol and only use IP for internet traffic.  Then, there is no local IP
traffic to be logged....


Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Edmondson Roper CA

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