> Not nearly so difficult, he can use a floppy drive.  You can load
> the kernel from floppy and have it mount an NFS root.  SysLinux
> would be best for this.

From: Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I presume that this will only work if you're using NFS over something
> like ethernet (not that nfs would be really tolerable over a 115K PPP
> serial port connection anyway).

Oops. Right - he wants to use PPP. Sorry, my answer _was_ specific to

You'd need to use INITRD. That's a good deal harder, but do-able. You would
have to load a small root filesystem, start up PPPD, mount the new root
filesystem, and then exit the initrd. See
/usr/src/linux/Docuemntation/initrd.txt .


Bruce Perens K6BP   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   510-215-3502
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key.
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