Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler wrote:

> Markus Schneider wrote:
> > I am also using bash-2.0, kbd-0.94 and de-latin1.map. I didn't set
> a
> > special font. The only thing I had to do for mc to display
> german
> > umlauts was to selecet "Full 8 bits" in the options menu under
> "Display
> > bits...". If this doesn't do what You want perhaphs selecting
> "ISO
> > 8859-1" under the same menu will be.
> Thank you for this tip. This may solve my problems with mc. I'll try
> this
> asap. But are you able to type umlauts at the console's command
> prompt?

try putting the following into your ~/.inputrc file (this file is read
when bash is started)

       set meta-flag on
       set convert-meta off
       set output-meta on

moreover I find it useful to have

"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
#"\e[2~": (einfg-Taste)
"\e[3~": delete-char
"\e[4~": end-of-line
#"\e[5~": (bild-up-Taste)
#"\e[6~": (bild-down-Taste)
"\e[A": previous-history
"\e[B": next-history
"\e[D": backward-char
"\e[C": forward-char
"\"": self-insert

in the .inputrc file. Then for example You can use the "Pos1" and "Ende"
keys on a german keyboard to go to the beginning/end of the line you are

In order to make use of this in an xterm put in $(HOME)/.Xresources

   *VT100.Translations: #override <Key>BackSpace: string(0x7F)\n\
              <Key>Delete:        string(0x1b) string("[3~")\n\
              <Key>Home:          string(0x1b) string("[1~")\n\
              <Key>End:           string(0x1b) string("[4~")\n\
              Ctrl<Key>Prior:     string(0x1b) string("[40~")\n\
              Ctrl<Key>Next:      string(0x1b) string("[41~")

Look at

In general /usr/doc/HOWTO/German-HOWTO.gz is useful for dealing with
german umlauts.


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