
We (Hakan Ardo, [EMAIL PROTECTED],  and myself) just tried to setup a
machine in Sweden, which should forward EVERY single mail from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (in the Netherlands).

a.domain.org is a machine in Sweden.
b.domain.org is the same machine in Sweden. Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should
NOT be forwarded to c.otherdomain.org.

So, we created a new sendmail.mc file, with FEATURE(mailertable)dnl
included, and rebuild sendmail.cf. b.domain.org isn't in the Cw list of the
machine in Sweden.
We created a hashtable using makemap (mailertable.db), with just one entry:

a.domain.org    smtp:c.otherdomain.org

But somewho, when you send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the mail bounces when
'user' doesn't exist on that machine. It is not forwarded.

Any ideas?


Remco and Hakan.

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