On May 28, Igor Grobman wrote
> I recently got myself a Seagate Tapestor3200 TR3/QIC 3020 tape drive.  It 
> works
> fine under DOS, however when I try to backup anything in Linux, I get the
> following errors:
> May 28 19:43:36 whoever kernel: [047]ftape-write.c (ftape_write_segment) -
> write error, retry 1 (399).
> May 28 19:43:46 whoever kernel: [048]ftape-write.c (ftape_write_segment) -
> write error, retry 1 (415).
> May 28 19:44:42 whoever kernel: [049]ftape-write.c (ftape_write_segment) -
> write error, retry 1 (615).
> I get tons of messages like this in my /var/adm/messages, and I hear the tape
> start and stop moving all the time, instead of moving continuously as it does
> under DOS.  I tried using it with both zftape and ftape devices, but I still
> get the same errors.  I am using ftape-3.03 from sunsite.  Is this a known
> ftape-driver bug? HOWTO seems to imply that all drives conforming to QIC TR*
> standards should work, and AFAIK, my model is pretty standard.
> Thanks in advance for the help.


I uploaded a ftape-2.0.30_3.03 debian package to unstable on master a
couple of weeks ago. So if you are running 2.0.30 you don't have to
compile yourself ;-)

In 1 or 2 days I will upload the bugfix 3.03a ftape for
2.0.30. Perhaps you should try the bugfix release.

I can't really comment on your specific problem as ftape is working
fine for my Iomega Ditto 800. I think the messages indicate that there
were write errors on different segments of your tape but the retries
succeded. You could try to format your tape with the new ftape-3.03
but it takes approx. 4 hours. 

Otherwise send me an email with the messages and we can try to figure
it out (I can forward it to dev.linux.tape)



Christian Meder, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What's the railroad to me ?
I never go to see
Where it ends.
It fills a few hollows,
And makes banks for the swallows, 
It sets the sand a-blowing,
And the blackberries a-growing.
                      (Henry David Thoreau)

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